Why must I restart?

Well quite simply UEFI is a pain. But seriously I spend 72 hours rewriting and rewriting my interrupt handlers to no avail. I believe that the problem was that I could not setup paging correctly and as such caused general protection faults and as I could not handle these faults I wasted so much time. Therefore in order to catch up to my schedule I have chosen to follow Philipp Oppermann’s blog_os to completion and then implement the other features on top. In order to prevent my assignment from being strait up plagiarism, I will add more features and things to my OS.

Revised Timeline

As I now must have a blog post each week, I have revised the schedule to be a weekly schedule.

  1. Writing a rust BIOS application
    • VGA Text Mode
    • A testing suite
  2. Exceptions and Interrupts
    • IDT / GDT
    • Exception Handlers
    • Timer Handler
    • Keyboard Handler
  3. Paging / Memory
    • Map Physical Memory
    • Heap Allocator
  4. Cooperative Multitasking
    • Futures
    • Async Keyboard
  5. PCI / USB
    • Show all PCI and USB devices
    • Get inputs from USB bus
  6. Devices
    • USB Keyboard
    • PS2 and USB Mouse
  7. Storage
    • Read/Write raw bytes to hard drive
  8. Filesystem
    • Program a basic filesystem such as Fat32
  9. Networking
    • Raw Ethernet Frames
    • ICMP
  10. More Networking
    • TCP
    • UDP
  11. Terminal and Other applications
    • For the remaining time…

Writing a rust BIOS application

As iterated earlier for this week I primarily followed Phillip’s tutorial series for the beginning, however I did add a few things.

Hello World

To begin any project you must write “Hello World”, therefore a VGA buffer writer would need to be made. In the tutorial Phil started from to bottom of the screen and for scroll copied everything 1 line up, however I preferred the writer starting from the top left of the screen, as you can see in the below picture.

hello world screenshot

As with my original attempt I created a colour! macro to change which colour is printed to the screen which is now limited to VGA colours. Along with that I implemented a cursor! macro to change the writers cursor position on the screen. Both of these features are shown bellow where I wrote some pink text at the bottom of the screen.

pink text screenshot


Thankfully, the boot-loader crate that I have been using from Phillip’s tutorial includes a test runner hook. The required items to complete the test suite were, a serial printer in order to print results back the the QEMU host, a bunch of tests and rewriting the OS to create standalone tests to prevent regressions. As the tutroial covered this very well I didn’t add very much except for modularizing the code into a different directory structure. As shown in the below image the test suite prints the result of each test to the console via QEMU’s serial interface, unforntantlyunfortunately there are errors however those are from the bootloader crate and as such I can’t do anything about them.

testing screenshot